
Leadership Definition


There is no shortage of books, articles, and research papers on the concept of leadership. It is a massive area of study for academics and practitioners alike. Despite the size of the field, there is no common definition for leadership. Consider a few that I have collected, some of which are quite terrible. I will let you be the judge.


Caring vs Business Results


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect nearly every individual on the planet in some form or another. This has required a different approach to leading people. In my interactions with leaders, I have uncovered a perceived tension between caring for team members and keeping those same team members accountable for business results.




As I have studied leadership, I have become increasingly convinced of the importance of living values that you hold close.

Those that have integrity in living their values immediately gain my respect. When an individual lives values that I strive to live by myself, this individual now has the potential to influence me.




I like to ask people about the books they are reading or some of their favorite books so I can expand my thinking and learn something new. One such recommendation came from Nicci Bosco, she runs ultra-marathons, and there is one book that she reads every time she is preparing for a big race.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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