
Leadership Definition


There is no shortage of books, articles, and research papers on the concept of leadership. It is a massive area of study for academics and practitioners alike. Despite the size of the field, there is no common definition for leadership. Consider a few that I have collected, some of which are quite terrible. I will let you be the judge.


Becoming a More Effective Leader


On a recent star tour in Bryce Canyon, I had the opportunity to look through several high-powered telescopes.

Some of these telescopes were almost as big as I am, and all required a step ladder to get to the eye piece and see the object it was directed at in space.


The One Thing to Focus on to Accomplish Anything


I have been in the “corporate” world for nearly 10 years and only recently arrived at an insight that I knew intellectually but have not actively put into practice. This story will sound familiar.

A new year is coming and the business needs to forecast and prepare for the future. Meetings start to spin up on reviewing or creating a strategy for the team. It takes weeks (sometimes months) to get everyone aligned and decide on a strategic direction, the north star, for the near future.


Radical Acceptance


Several months ago, I learned about an organization that serves individuals whose lives are impacted by the effects of OCD, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness. The challenges these people face are very real and, unlike physical illness, are often unseen. The things they teach are based in psychology and are meaningful and impactful to all. One of the tools is a distress tolerance skill called “radical acceptance” which helps us when we experience pain.


Your Judgment Batting Average


Recently I had the privilege to listen to Satya Nadella speak to a small group of leaders at Microsoft and there was a question Satya was asked about how leaders can step up to the challenges that are ahead of us as leaders. His answer was full of wisdom.


What I See vs My Goals and Values


Over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time with family since we wanted to be close to family after the birth of our fourth child. During that time, I have observed in a few relatives a prioritization approach that made no logical sense to me. After careful consideration and reflection, I realized this kind of prioritization also happens in my life more often than I would like it to happen.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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