
Addition Sickness


Scaling is one of the hardest things to do in a business. It sounds much easier than it is. Bob Sutton, Standford Professor, has taught me that scaling has a few core principles when adhered to will make it much easier to find success in scaling one’s efforts.

One of the lessons Bob has learned in his research has to do with removing the extra.


What I See vs My Goals and Values


Over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time with family since we wanted to be close to family after the birth of our fourth child. During that time, I have observed in a few relatives a prioritization approach that made no logical sense to me. After careful consideration and reflection, I realized this kind of prioritization also happens in my life more often than I would like it to happen.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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