
Observations and Interpretations


Driving any work forward and making progress is difficult. When there are individual people and feelings involved (as there always are) it makes it even more difficult. In the past few months, I have used what I will call observation and interpretation mapping to help me and others focus on the work and less on the people involved in it.


Strategy Without the Jargon


You finished the third quarter goals and started working on your org strategy with your leadership team. This strategy will help you make progress and achieve your goals for the next fiscal year.

Last year you and the team collectively spent 20+ hours creating the strategy and getting each and every word of your mission statement and vision just right. The year did not go as planned. Not all the team members were aligned, the strategy was clear to some and not clear to others and worst of all, your team took on more projects than it could let go. This year things will be different.


What I See vs My Goals and Values


Over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time with family since we wanted to be close to family after the birth of our fourth child. During that time, I have observed in a few relatives a prioritization approach that made no logical sense to me. After careful consideration and reflection, I realized this kind of prioritization also happens in my life more often than I would like it to happen.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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