
What is Your Source of Validation?


Everyone on earth has a need for validation. And by validation, I mean a need to “check” the accuracy or validity of who you believe you are as a human being on this earth. As I have gotten older and been exposed to more adult challenges, I have learned we all have a need to be validated.


Contexts of Leadership


My daughter plays soccer and she loves to play defense. She practices kicking hard so she can clear the ball out whenever it gets to her side of the field. Recently she played in a tournament where it was indoor soccer on a field not much larger than a tennis court. 


What is the Magic Behind Learning Groups?


For the last several years I have been running leadership development programs and a core component of those programs has always been a variation on a “learning group”. A group of learners going through a shared experience and learning from each other while they progress.

Historically about 80% of learning groups that I have looked after have been miserable failures. The leaders do not take the time to meet with each other and when they do, they do not have anything meaningful to say to each other so little value is produced.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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