In 1957, Toyota Motor Company employed a little over 6,000 employees. Today (Jan 2021) employs just under 360,000 individuals. This remarkable growth is attributed to many innovations, but I heard a quote from the President of Toyota that struck me. Eiji Toyoda who is responsible for taking Toyota to profitability and the impressive growth from the mid 60’s to the early 80’s as President said.
“It is people who make things so we must make people before we make things.”
Eiji Toyoda
During that time, a lot of investment at Toyota was dedicated to develop people to be capable of fitting into the Toyota “machine” to create things (in this case cars) that others want.
I have a pivot on his quote that is relevant to today.
“It is a leader who makes an impact so we must make leaders before we make an impact.”
Those that are making an impact in the world are those who are demonstrating leadership. They are pushing the boundaries and status quo in their homes, places of work and communities. We need more men and women that practice the act of leadership. I consider it part of my life’s work to “make leaders” so we can collectively make an impact in the world.
What do you think of my pivot on Eiji’s quote? Can an impact in the world be made without demonstrating leadership?