When an individual sustains a deep burn (2nd or 3rd degree) it destroys the nerve endings and they do not feel pain. The ideal burn healing looks like this: First blood returns to the wound site and appears bright pink or red. Next new skin reforms underneath the visible layer and pushes out the old dead skin. While the new skin is forming underneath the wound site the nerve endings are also regenerating. Pain returns until a layer of protective skin can cover the nerve endings.

My wife, who has a gift for pattern recognition and connecting dots, shared the following with me as we were learning about burns.
We often think of healing as being soft and peaceful. That is not how healing works. All healing, both physical and mental, requires we go through pain. It seems that pain of some kind is necessary to heal.
Kristine Nicholls
As I reflect on all the times I have healed or witnessed healing (for both physical and mental healing) I realize every instance of healing involved pain.
My invitation to you is simple: consider moments in your life where you have witnessed healing. What surrounded it? What was the pain you observed? Write down insights you have as you reflect.