I can be a nerd when it comes to words. In school I never gravitated towards anything that required writing but in teaching, the semantics of words has fascinated me. Unique insight can be found in the meaning and nuance found in words. There are two words I was pointed to this week that got me thinking.
Answer and solution.
Take a minute and think about these two words. Without looking them up, how would you define them?
Here is the working definition I produced when I asked myself this question.
Answer: the way to solve a problem.
Solution: the action taken to resolve the problem.

I continue to struggle with recognizing, without judgment, my feelings and labeling them in a way that can be useful for me and those around me. I especially struggle with engaging with feelings that to me feel negative, like pain. This prevents me from connecting with and showing empathy towards those who experience pain. Turns out everyone experiences pain, so this is a particularly challenging issue for me.
I know the answer to connecting with and feeling pain is to pause, reflect and write about painful moments and to talk about them with someone I trust. The solution is much harder for me. I am seeking my solution by taking action.
Take a few minutes today and examine your life. Where do you have the answer but not yet the solution? What step(s) will you take to get closer to the solution?