Leaning into Discomfort

Personal and professional growth is found in discomfort. There is no growth without pushing on our edges and leaning to spaces where we currently do not have competence or capability.

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where I go to church, there are opportunities to serve for each of the members. All of the service is voluntary and can take many forms from teaching, to leadership, to working with toddlers. Recently I was asked to be the Primary Music Leader. This person is responsible for teaching kids ages 3-11 songs each week and helping to organize a program where the kids can then sing these songs for the congregation.

I have little musical talent. As a kid my mom put me in piano lessons, but it is not a part of who I am or the capabilities I have. My thought was “surely there are dozens of individuals in our congregation that have the talent and desire to teach music.”

Regardless of who may or may not have the talents to be the Primary Music Leader, I was asked. I accepted the call to serve, knowing there would be growth in the discomfort.

The insight I had after accepting the call was a reframe of the assignment. I was scared to lead music but, I have been asked to teach these children through music. I love to teach, and music can be a form of teaching. It may be an uncomfortable form of teaching for me but if I can lean into it, I can help teach children truths about Jesus Christ and strengthen my own capabilities.

Where are you leaning into discomfort for growth? Next time you are asked to lean into something that may put you in an area of discomfort, pause and reframe the opportunity. You may find newfound motivation and inspiration for your growth.

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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