It is easy to get trapped in feelings of emotions. Have you ever felt stuck, like things will always be the way they currently are? I had an insight recently that helped me to see this differently.
While traveling in England with my wife we went on a hike in the lake district. The weather was truly remarkable. One moment the sun was shining with a few clouds and the green grass of the sheep pastures were rich and beautiful. Within a few minutes the sun is covered up and the clouds feel close and there is a mysterious feeling as we looked out over the many dark stone walls dividing the land surrounding the mountain. Then a moment later, the rain comes down in buckets. If it weren’t for our jackets, good shoes, and an umbrella we’d be soaked to the bone. And then again the sun would break through.
The weather transitions were remarkable and would occur so regularly that we realized that none of it could be trusted to stick. If it started to rain, it’d only be for a short time and then it would stop.

The emotions and difficult times in our lives can be characterized the same way. Frustration with a colleague for not being willing to change their mind won’t always be there. The sadness you feel as a parent when your child tells you about sitting alone at the lunch table doesn’t stick. No feeling or emotion will stay forever. The most joyous feelings and the darkest emotions are never permanent.
The hike my wife and I did allowed me to see this reality more clearly. What is happening in your life that is teaching you something? Please share I’d love to hear from you.