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Focus on the Problem and Flexible in the Solution


This month I have been working with a few dynamic leaders on how to focus on product led growth.

In learning and development, I have helped design or been a part of several projects that have missed the mark on product led growth. We have been distracted by the solution and lose sight of the problem to be solved.


Leaning into Discomfort


Personal and professional growth is found in discomfort. There is no growth without pushing on our edges and leaning to spaces where we currently do not have competence or capability.

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where I go to church, there are opportunities to serve for each of the members. All of the service is voluntary and can take many forms from teaching, to leadership, to working with toddlers. Recently I was asked to be the Primary Music Leader. This person is responsible for teaching kids ages 3-11 songs each week and helping to organize a program where the kids can then sing these songs for the congregation.


Learning as a Product


Take a moment to think about something that you use many times a week. Why do you use that thing? What value is it providing to you?

One of these things for me is Microsoft OneNote. I use it as a place to capture all of my thoughts, study, and notes. It synchronizes to the cloud, is free, available on all my devices and even allows me to draw my ideas and concepts with a pen. I do not have to pay for storage (like some services) and it is effectively my second brain. If I want to make sure something does not get lost, then I will jot it down in OneNote.


How Do You Seek Validation for Your Life’s Work?


A few weeks ago, I attended an art exhibit based on the works of Vincent Van Gogh. The exhibit was fascinating. In a massive room of four blank walls, they had set up triangular columns with mirrors from floor to ceiling, benches were scattered throughout the room and dozens of projectors filled every square inch of the room with the art of Vincent Van Gogh.


How to Get Faster Results


Here is a brief tale (but actually a real story) of one meeting, two presenters, and the energy flow of all involved.

The first presenter articulated with precision a customer need. A solution was presented, and a story was told on how the team overcame obstacles on behalf of the customer. The content was compelling and the one leading the solution was confident and strong.

The second presenter shared a challenge the organization faces and made a case for the value of solving this problem to the organization. This project was in an earlier stage so there were not as many details of obstacles that were overcome but the one leading the project was experienced, influential, and trusted.


Stabilizing During Uncertainty


To celebrate our most recent wedding anniversary, my wife and I hiked The Narrows at Zion National Park. It is a beautiful hike in a slot canyon through a shallow river. Depending on when you go the clarity of the river water can vary from clear to opaque. What makes the water opaque is the dirt and sand that has washed into the river. When we hiked The Narrows, the water was opaque. With each step it was a mystery to know what would come next. The bottom of the riverbed has various depths (from a few inches to a few feet) and various terrains (from soft sand to large uneven river rocks) making each step its own unique challenge.


Ignite the Fire With Those You Teach


A while back I took my son out camping in the mountains. At the time he was about 5 years old, and we were both excited to have some one on one time. We brought the fixings for s’mores and picked up some firewood on the way in so we could have a proper campfire and treat after dinner.

As a youth I grew up in the scouting program and earned the Eagle Scout award so camping and fire building is not a foreign task. The wood was large logs, but we did not have any kindling. My son and I explored the campsite and surrounding area for twigs, sticks, and anything that we could use to start our fire. 


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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