
Leadership Flywheel


Ever since reading Good to Great by Jim Collins I have been fascinated by the concept of the flywheel. Working hard on the right things consistently over time and then having your efforts compound for massive impact over time. I have touched on the idea here and here.

Leadership is a difficult topic to create a flywheel around because there is not a shared definition of leadership in the community. The definition I choose to use is:


Why Are You Here on Earth?


This week I had a conversation with a colleague that helped me uncover a blind spot I had. I have been studying and thinking about what I have been calling “purpose driven leadership”.

The concept is this. When you do the hard internal and personal work of why you are here on the planet you have discovered your purpose. This is much larger than just one area of your life. It encompasses all that you must contribute to the world.


Contrast Reveals Learning Opportunities


A little over a month ago my wife and I heard a crash just down the hall. Our 13-month-old son had managed to find the cord to the crock pot plugged into the counter and tugged on it just enough that the contents of the crockpot fell on him and the floor. My son sustained severe burns and we spent the following three weeks in the hospital with him as he healed.




As I have studied leadership, I have become increasingly convinced of the importance of living values that you hold close.

Those that have integrity in living their values immediately gain my respect. When an individual lives values that I strive to live by myself, this individual now has the potential to influence me.


Two Kinds of People


Over the weekend I was introduced to a poem which was thought provoking. It ends with an invitation. I leave it with you to consider what kind of person you are and what changes (if any) you need to make to become the leader and person you would like to become.


Light Pollution


My wife and I have a fascination with the stars, the winter sky is our favorite. When we have a chance to stand outside and look at the stars together it serves as a reminder of the place we occupy in the universe and helps provide perspective.

Light pollution makes looking at the stars difficult in populated areas. Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky caused by streetlights and other man-made sources, which inhibits the observation of stars and planets. (Definition from Oxford Dictionaries). Light pollution is represented on maps for star gazers to find the best places to look at the stars. This site one example of such a map.


Invite to Act


For years I have been a passive learner. Today, I read/listen to books, listen to podcasts, watch TED talks, and YouTube videos and more all to satisfy my desire to learn. This kind of passive learning has only gotten me so far. Why is it that I can’t seem to unlock greater learning and insight with this approach?

Pondering upon this question has led me to my mantra for teaching and learning:


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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