Compounding the Right Things

You may be like me where some days you get to the end of the day and you think – what have I accomplished? What good have I done? Did I spend my time on the right things? There are no easy answers to these questions. I wish there was a formula to follow but it is not that simple because everyone has a different life which means the measures of a meaningful and impactful life are different for each person on the planet.

That does not mean that we cannot find patterns that will help us in our journey. I have written about finding your purpose and ways to improve. What I’m thinking about now is different.

Years ago, I read a book called The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and in the book, he talks about the right things compounded over time yield exponential growth. I think of this concept like building blocks. In this case, a building block is an action or mindset. These can both be positive and negative. The positive “blocks” can be the ones that can compound over time. The negative ones take up space and lead to a plateau. Once you figure out the right “blocks” for your life you put all your energy into them, and the compound effect will quickly become a reality.

If you are seeking meaning and impact in your life, take the time to figure out what actions and mindsets can deliver the most meaning and impact in your life. My blocks will be different than yours. Figure out these blocks and stack them correctly and it will feel as if by magic you find meaning and impact.

Take time today to write down one or two “blocks” you want to consistently do over time. 

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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