
Pattern for Growth


If you have followed my posts for any amount of time you know I’m a visual learner and I like patterns. There is a pattern for growth that I’m working through that has felt durable and I’d love your thoughts and reactions.

The patterns looks like this:


Connecting Mental Maps


For as long as I can remember, I have been directionally challenged. I grew up in Washington state where the roads curve, the trees are tall, and major landmarks to help with orientation are difficult to come by. Navigation anywhere for me (even to this day) can be incredibly difficult without the aid of Google Maps.

This does not mean I have not been getting better. Since my wife and I have been married (nearly 12 years) we have lived in eight different cities. The pattern is always the same for me. I do not know how to get anywhere; I rely 100% on Google Maps to get me to my destination. Over time I start to build a map in my head. My pattern has been that after about 6-8 months in a single place I have a few maps built in my head. Once I get to a certain place where my map starts, I can figure out where I am, but my mental maps do not always connect. Common locations are mapped out first, the kids’ school, grocery store, and church. Then less common areas start to populate and grow the maps.


Intellectual Creation


Recently on a road trip to visit family, my wife and I were talking about what we want to accomplish in our future. My desire is to have a visual of what we want our family to become so we can intentionally create moments and experiences that will lead to that future.

The combination of this conversation and reading the book How to Own Your Own Mind by Napoleon Hill I realized something:


Pattern of Personal Disruption


Last week my wife and I welcomed our 4th child into our family. Words cannot describe the special feeling I get adding a child to our family. My heart has been made bigger and it will take me a sometime to re-learn how to sleep.

What I’ve learned from this experience is actually a reminder of a pattern I’ve seen in my life multiple times. It is the most visible after the birth of each of our children.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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