There are few companies on earth that can say the following and have it actually be real. Microsoft is one of these companies.
(more…)We are not charter constrained, we are leadership constrained.
There are few companies on earth that can say the following and have it actually be real. Microsoft is one of these companies.
(more…)We are not charter constrained, we are leadership constrained.
Seven months ago, I wrote about compounding the right things, I want to build on the idea as it relates exponential growth.
There are small practices or habits, that when performed with consistency, will build and compound over time. Find the right set of practices and growth becomes exponential.
(more…)A few weeks ago, I was in the home of a man with many talents. Carl can fix just about anything with his hands and is incredibly talented in music. By every measure I can think of, he is a leader. I learned something that day that still sticks with me.