
Fire Bullets Then Cannonballs


My six-year-old daughter is a gem, she is adorable, expressive, loving, fierce, loyal, and kind. She is also stubborn as all get out and knows exactly how to push my buttons as a father.

For over a year I’ve been trying to figure out how I can be a better dad and nurture my six-year-old. I’ve tried many small experiments and most lead to me getting frustrated or triggered when she’s in the mood to push my buttons.


Contexts of Leadership


My daughter plays soccer and she loves to play defense. She practices kicking hard so she can clear the ball out whenever it gets to her side of the field. Recently she played in a tournament where it was indoor soccer on a field not much larger than a tennis court. 


10-Day Experiment


A tool is a device or implement used to carry out a particular function. To become a better leader, we must use tools (not physical but mental tools) to make progress in our life.

I want to share with you a simple tool called the 10-Day Experiment. It is so simple it is almost hard to call it a tool, but it goes like this.


Observations and Interpretations


Driving any work forward and making progress is difficult. When there are individual people and feelings involved (as there always are) it makes it even more difficult. In the past few months, I have used what I will call observation and interpretation mapping to help me and others focus on the work and less on the people involved in it.


Strategy Without the Jargon


You finished the third quarter goals and started working on your org strategy with your leadership team. This strategy will help you make progress and achieve your goals for the next fiscal year.

Last year you and the team collectively spent 20+ hours creating the strategy and getting each and every word of your mission statement and vision just right. The year did not go as planned. Not all the team members were aligned, the strategy was clear to some and not clear to others and worst of all, your team took on more projects than it could let go. This year things will be different.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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