Rent vs Buy an Idea

There is a tool that I use when I am trying to keep my mind open about something. It is especially useful in brainstorming sessions.

The tool is a simple question.

Am I renting or buying this idea?

To rent an idea means it has a temporary holding place in my brain. I’ll consider it and let it influence other thinking, but I always know the idea could fundamentally change given better data or context.

To buy an idea means it has a permanent home in my brain. I’ll consider it truth and it will influence thinking in all domains of my life. 

Asking the question “am I renting or buying this idea?” accomplishes two things for me. One, it helps me to slow down and challenge my assumptions and biases. And two, it helps me to stay in a headspace to be willing to change my opinion. It is a powerful way to approach adaptive challenges that require innovative solutions.

What are you working on right now? With the current problem you are facing are you willing to move from buying to renting one or more of your ideas?

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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