
Stabilizing During Uncertainty


To celebrate our most recent wedding anniversary, my wife and I hiked The Narrows at Zion National Park. It is a beautiful hike in a slot canyon through a shallow river. Depending on when you go the clarity of the river water can vary from clear to opaque. What makes the water opaque is the dirt and sand that has washed into the river. When we hiked The Narrows, the water was opaque. With each step it was a mystery to know what would come next. The bottom of the riverbed has various depths (from a few inches to a few feet) and various terrains (from soft sand to large uneven river rocks) making each step its own unique challenge.


Life Alignment


My family and I love to go hiking. Regardless of where we hike, if there are rocks on the trail you will inevitably discover cairns along the path. For those unfamiliar, a cairn is a stack of rocks on top of each other balancing in a statue like shape. They are beautiful, peaceful, and often look impossible or against the laws of nature.


Drawing the Perfect Unicorn


A few days ago I watched my daughter as she attempted to draw a picture of a unicorn. After a few pencil lines she would crumple the paper and start over on a new sheet of paper. I soon learned she wanted the picture of her unicorn to be perfect and if it wasn’t perfect she didn’t want to keep it.


Calories and Counsel


A few years ago, after our third child was born, I realized I needed to lose some weight and decided to track my calories and exercise more often. Tracking calories is the most effective way to understand what you are putting into your body and how much of an impact it has on your weight. With diligence and persistence, I lost a little bit over twenty-five pounds and tracked my calories for over 1,000 days in a row. It felt like a new lifestyle I had created, and I was proud of it.




As I have studied leadership, I have become increasingly convinced of the importance of living values that you hold close.

Those that have integrity in living their values immediately gain my respect. When an individual lives values that I strive to live by myself, this individual now has the potential to influence me.


What I See vs My Goals and Values


Over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time with family since we wanted to be close to family after the birth of our fourth child. During that time, I have observed in a few relatives a prioritization approach that made no logical sense to me. After careful consideration and reflection, I realized this kind of prioritization also happens in my life more often than I would like it to happen.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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