
Precision vs Power


A few weeks ago, I learned of something that intuitively makes sense but caused me to reflect.

In the context of AI you have two tensions at play. You have precision and you have power. If you want a chatbot AI (like ChatGPT or BingChat) to be precise and accurate all of the time then you have to sacrifice some of the potential power to get the repeatability.


How Do You Seek Validation for Your Life’s Work?


A few weeks ago, I attended an art exhibit based on the works of Vincent Van Gogh. The exhibit was fascinating. In a massive room of four blank walls, they had set up triangular columns with mirrors from floor to ceiling, benches were scattered throughout the room and dozens of projectors filled every square inch of the room with the art of Vincent Van Gogh.


Compounding the Right Things


You may be like me where some days you get to the end of the day and you think – what have I accomplished? What good have I done? Did I spend my time on the right things? There are no easy answers to these questions. I wish there was a formula to follow but it is not that simple because everyone has a different life which means the measures of a meaningful and impactful life are different for each person on the planet.


We Need Leaders to Make an Impact


In 1957, Toyota Motor Company employed a little over 6,000 employees. Today (Jan 2021) employs just under 360,000 individuals. This remarkable growth is attributed to many innovations, but I heard a quote from the President of Toyota that struck me. Eiji Toyoda who is responsible for taking Toyota to profitability and the impressive growth from the mid 60’s to the early 80’s as President said.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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