The Law of Disintegration

All things organic, given enough time, will break down and disintegrate. I’m not familiar with a formal law stating this (I suppose the second law of thermodynamics comes close) but I consider this the law of disintegration.

The speed at which something breaks down in nature is due to the environment.

We are in the heat of summer in Washington state and I have a patch of grass in my yard that has died. The grass isn’t getting the water or nutrients it needs to be green and lush, it is an illustration of the law of disintegration. With the correct amount of care, water, and nutrients I can revive my grass and have it looking green again.

I have discovered my thoughts and feelings also behave according to the law of disintegration. In good times, I feel like a lush green lawn. I’m operating at my best when my routines are in place, my values are honored and I’m learning and growing. When life feels chaotic, when I am distracted from what I care about most, and when my routines are disrupted, I feel more like the dead patch of grass. My thoughts and feelings have disintegrated.

Have you experienced this before?

My approach to this is to remember. The tactics for remembering are personal and individual. My goal is to build the right environment and keep that environment fortified. I need to run regularly to clear my head and keep my body in decent shape. I need time to think and process things I’ve learned. I need time for pondering and reflection. I need time to read and learn. I need time to be creative. I need to sleep. I need to eat a balanced diet.

A lot goes into creating an environment in which I can remember the things that matter most. What are your tactics? How do you remember? How have you created the right environment to thrive rather than disintegrate?

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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