Recently on a road trip to visit family, my wife and I were talking about what we want to accomplish in our future. My desire is to have a visual of what we want our family to become so we can intentionally create moments and experiences that will lead to that future.
The combination of this conversation and reading the book How to Own Your Own Mind by Napoleon Hill I realized something:
Before anything can become a reality, it must be “created” intellectually first.
Napoleon Hill states it this way
“All of man’s achievements begin in the form of thought, organized into plans, aims and purposes, and expressed in terms of action.”
Napoleon Hill
In my conversation with my wife I was trying to organize my thoughts into plans. To intellectually create first what we desire and then create plans and actions to achieve those desired results.
Intellectual creation before physical realization (or creation) is a pattern seen in every setting.
I invite you to take a minute to step back and think about the thing you most desire right now. What are you doing to intellectually create that thing before making it a reality?