
For the days leading up to Thanksgiving I have been keeping a gratitude journal and have found it to change my mood and I feel happier. This is remarkable because I feel like my wife and I are still reeling from having a baby 11 weeks ago. This has led to a lack of sleep, decreased energy, focus, and attention.

I had previously written in a gratitude journal but for a reason I don’t recall I stopped. What is unfortunate for me is I didn’t realize what was missing until recently. I’m grateful for someone challenging me to write down the things I’m grateful for.

It also turns out the improvements in my mood and happiness has its roots in science.

“Whether expressing gratitude for what’s good in life or showing gratitude to someone who has helped us at work, neural circuitry in our brain (stem) releases dopamine. Dopamine makes us feel good! And, because it feels good, we want more. It triggers positive emotions, we feel optimistic, and it fosters camaraderie.”

“When we reflect on or write down the positives in life and at work, our brain (anterior cingulate cortex) releases serotonin. Serotonin enhances our mood, (think anti-depressant), our willpower, and motivation.” – emphasis my own

My challenge to you today has a few steps:

  • Write a few sentences in your favorite note taking app or on a piece of paper how you are feeling today. Also rate your current mood and general state of happiness on a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
  • Practice writing three things you are grateful for in a journal (digital or physical) for 10 days.
  • At the completion of the 10 days write a few sentences about how you are feeling and reassess your mood and general state of happiness.

Given my experience and what happens to the brain because of gratitude I can promise you will feel better and happier after this 10-day experiment.

Try this experiment and let me know how it goes.

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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