What Does Scale Look Like?

At Microsoft, the fiscal year ends June 30th. This typically means there is a mad rush to get all work done before the end of the month so we can realize expenses in the month and year that they happened. This year I have had not only my standard projects that need to be completed before the end of June, but I also have a new project at work, and we are working as a family to get into a home which has a potential move-in date of July 1.

Stress and pressure are high and the need for me to be able to scale my thinking and impact through my team and my family is extremely high. A quote from a brilliant McKinsey partner came to mind as I was thinking my need to scale.

Scaling is about moving 1,000 people one foot forward, not about moving one person 1,000 feet forward

Maia Hansen

I realized in my stress I was trying to take one or two people far in each project rather than building the capability of the team and my family to help me make progress in all projects. If I can mobilize the team and my family towards a cause and purpose for the work we are trying to accomplish, then any short-term failures I experience will be far outweighed by the long term gains I can make.

There are several ways to scale well. The one I am practicing now is to create a greater level of accountability, both for myself and those I am working with.

What are you doing to increase your ability to scale?

Start by identifying who you are working with and through. Write down one way you can increase accountability for yourself and those you work with.

About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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