There is learning from others and learning from your own experiences. I learned from my own experiences the hard way about recovery and stress recently despite knowing it intellectually.
The months of January and February felt non-stop at work, and this increased all levels of stress in my life. I tried to be proactive and take a 4-day weekend to attempt to properly recover and reset.
I took a break and pause from my work, but I did not actually rest. I filled the long weekend full of family and house projects that ended up increasing my stress. My body sent me a clear message on Tuesday when I resumed work. Everything in my body shut down. I could hardly move and slept for 12-14 hours straight.
For those who know me, I cannot lie in bed doing “nothing” for any period of time let alone the entire day. I felt so terrible I could not read, watch videos, or even scroll through social media. The recovery was slow – I was weak and ended up getting a cold which hit me hard too. To make things more complicated, my family was in town visiting so I felt a strong desire and need to be a good host and organize things to make sure they have a fun time. Overall I was sick for over a week and it impacted every aspect of my life.

I do not know what the sickness was (it was not COVID) but what I learned is the importance and value of true rest and recovery. When I am worn out, I cannot give what I want to my family, to my community, or work. Not only that but it is further draining. When I rest and recharge, I then also receive back when I give.
What processes or things do you have in place to ensure proper rest and recovery? Write them down and share them with me if you are willing.
I have some ideas that I have written down, but I do not know if they will work, I need to experiment. I would love to be better and learn from you!