AuthorJosh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo



I like to ask people about the books they are reading or some of their favorite books so I can expand my thinking and learn something new. One such recommendation came from Nicci Bosco, she runs ultra-marathons, and there is one book that she reads every time she is preparing for a big race.




In the last few weeks, I have listened to a podcast on daily rituals, been involved in designing a virtual learning experience, watched a corporate training, and been coached. In all these unrelated activities I’ve found a common theme.


Dinner and Definitions


“Daddy what does doubt mean?” This is a question my daughter recently asked me at the dinner table when my wife and I were teaching from scripture. So of course, I asked her “what do you think it means?” to gauge her understanding and invite her into the learning process rather than give her the answer.


What is Weakness?


A little over a year ago I took a course to become a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. I’m a strong believer of Gallup’s approach to development and excellence. How they defined weakness has always stayed with me.


I am Status Driven


While running recently, I had a realization which began feelings of discomfort and I couldn’t shake them. For context, in a recent coaching call, I shared how I’ve observed individuals who are self-promoting, selfish and self-centered. I explained how I want to stay as far away as possible from what I perceived to be very status driven behavior.


Invite to Act


For years I have been a passive learner. Today, I read/listen to books, listen to podcasts, watch TED talks, and YouTube videos and more all to satisfy my desire to learn. This kind of passive learning has only gotten me so far. Why is it that I can’t seem to unlock greater learning and insight with this approach?

Pondering upon this question has led me to my mantra for teaching and learning:


My Insight Journal


I have learned over time that I am a deliberate thinker. I need, and take the time, to process experience, information, and research. While this is often a “slower” learning style, it gives me the space to integrate new things into my learning journey and to practically apply them by taking action.

I have been working to develop the skills needed to accelerate this learning process at home with my family and at work. This blog is a learning journey for me – a space where I can document my insights; a space where I can grapple with, think through, apply, and experiment based on my experience and new insights that I have. This is a space where I hope to be intentional, think deeply and put the puzzle pieces together. One of my goals is to have more breadth, depth, and tools at the ready for when I need them in the moment. My hope is that by sharing this, it can be helpful to you too. Perhaps, it can even start a conversation that might help us both.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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