Journaling daily has become an important practice for me as I strive to learn. Each morning I write down what I am thinking or feeling (or both) and whatever else comes as I reflect on the previous day. This week I learned something important that I hope can help others as well.
(more…)We Need Leaders to Make an Impact
In 1957, Toyota Motor Company employed a little over 6,000 employees. Today (Jan 2021) employs just under 360,000 individuals. This remarkable growth is attributed to many innovations, but I heard a quote from the President of Toyota that struck me. Eiji Toyoda who is responsible for taking Toyota to profitability and the impressive growth from the mid 60’s to the early 80’s as President said.
(more…)True Greatness Comes Through Iteration
Iteration is learning by degrees, with intentionality and purpose.
A representation of this process can be found below.
(more…)Calories and Counsel
A few years ago, after our third child was born, I realized I needed to lose some weight and decided to track my calories and exercise more often. Tracking calories is the most effective way to understand what you are putting into your body and how much of an impact it has on your weight. With diligence and persistence, I lost a little bit over twenty-five pounds and tracked my calories for over 1,000 days in a row. It felt like a new lifestyle I had created, and I was proud of it.
(more…)2020 Year in Review
This coming year I am going to try a new experiment. I plan to do a year in review with my wife. We will reflect on the past year and discuss what we would like to do in 2021.
You may want to consider doing the same. I will share the prompts my wife and I plan to work through. You are welcome to use these questions, modify them, and/or customize them to fit the needs of your relationship.
As I have studied leadership, I have become increasingly convinced of the importance of living values that you hold close.
Those that have integrity in living their values immediately gain my respect. When an individual lives values that I strive to live by myself, this individual now has the potential to influence me.
(more…)Being in Integrity
One of my favorite podcasts is Ryan Hawk’s The Learning Leader Show. He interviews interesting people and leaders across all backgrounds. In every episode he asks the following question.
(more…)What I See vs My Goals and Values
Over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time with family since we wanted to be close to family after the birth of our fourth child. During that time, I have observed in a few relatives a prioritization approach that made no logical sense to me. After careful consideration and reflection, I realized this kind of prioritization also happens in my life more often than I would like it to happen.
For the days leading up to Thanksgiving I have been keeping a gratitude journal and have found it to change my mood and I feel happier. This is remarkable because I feel like my wife and I are still reeling from having a baby 11 weeks ago. This has led to a lack of sleep, decreased energy, focus, and attention.
(more…)Action Precedes Results
This week while reading I was struck by an idea.
(more…)I cannot know something works or witness results until I have tried it first.