
2020 Year in Review


This coming year I am going to try a new experiment. I plan to do a year in review with my wife. We will reflect on the past year and discuss what we would like to do in 2021.

You may want to consider doing the same. I will share the prompts my wife and I plan to work through. You are welcome to use these questions, modify them, and/or customize them to fit the needs of your relationship.




For the days leading up to Thanksgiving I have been keeping a gratitude journal and have found it to change my mood and I feel happier. This is remarkable because I feel like my wife and I are still reeling from having a baby 11 weeks ago. This has led to a lack of sleep, decreased energy, focus, and attention.


Light Pollution


My wife and I have a fascination with the stars, the winter sky is our favorite. When we have a chance to stand outside and look at the stars together it serves as a reminder of the place we occupy in the universe and helps provide perspective.

Light pollution makes looking at the stars difficult in populated areas. Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky caused by streetlights and other man-made sources, which inhibits the observation of stars and planets. (Definition from Oxford Dictionaries). Light pollution is represented on maps for star gazers to find the best places to look at the stars. This site one example of such a map.


My Insight Journal


I have learned over time that I am a deliberate thinker. I need, and take the time, to process experience, information, and research. While this is often a “slower” learning style, it gives me the space to integrate new things into my learning journey and to practically apply them by taking action.

I have been working to develop the skills needed to accelerate this learning process at home with my family and at work. This blog is a learning journey for me – a space where I can document my insights; a space where I can grapple with, think through, apply, and experiment based on my experience and new insights that I have. This is a space where I hope to be intentional, think deeply and put the puzzle pieces together. One of my goals is to have more breadth, depth, and tools at the ready for when I need them in the moment. My hope is that by sharing this, it can be helpful to you too. Perhaps, it can even start a conversation that might help us both.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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