Micro learning is a trend in Learning and Development that has been building momentum over the last few years. Tik-Tok and Instagram Reels has fueled this momentum with more and more influencers in the educational space.
(more…)Trigger Diary
Over the last several weeks I have pondered ways that I can add greater value to those who read my post. In my work I use and am exposed to several tools to help me to be a better leader. I want to start sharing those with you.
The tool I’ll share today is called a “trigger diary”. I learned about this tool from my good friends Simon and Fiona at Purposeful Change. But first some context.
(more…)Sequencing Learning
For those who have been reading the blog, it is no surprise that I have been working on my purpose and my values. As I have done this, I have followed a loose process that in hindsight has been instructive to me.
(more…)Caring vs Business Results
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect nearly every individual on the planet in some form or another. This has required a different approach to leading people. In my interactions with leaders, I have uncovered a perceived tension between caring for team members and keeping those same team members accountable for business results.
(more…)What Are You Learning?
What do you say to someone who has recently lost someone they care deeply about? I can think of five different individuals that were close or very close to my wife and I and we have always struggled to know the right thing to say and the right thing to do.
(more…)Drawing the Perfect Unicorn
A few days ago I watched my daughter as she attempted to draw a picture of a unicorn. After a few pencil lines she would crumple the paper and start over on a new sheet of paper. I soon learned she wanted the picture of her unicorn to be perfect and if it wasn’t perfect she didn’t want to keep it.
(more…)Reflection Has Revealed Growth
At work I look after a program designed to help senior leaders progress at Microsoft. COVID-19 introduced interesting challenges to our program, as it was originally designed to be in person. In one case, a key experience of the program, we did not convert to virtual because we felt the impact in person could never be matched virtually.
Things changed and we decided to convert the experience. My first thought was, there is no room for failure with this audience – we must succeed. This is one of the core experiences leaders have at Microsoft and there is no room for failure at this level.
(more…)Action Precedes Results
This week while reading I was struck by an idea.
(more…)I cannot know something works or witness results until I have tried it first.
The Essence of Learning
For several weeks I have been pondering a question – what is learning?
I consider learning effective, when one can carry out a task for productive gain, learning requires action. My current definition of learning is:
In the last few weeks, I have listened to a podcast on daily rituals, been involved in designing a virtual learning experience, watched a corporate training, and been coached. In all these unrelated activities I’ve found a common theme.