I am afraid to be judged. I am afraid to do what I need to do to achieve my potential. I am afraid I will not be able to provide for my family. I am afraid I will go all in and not find the success I am looking for. This fear of failure is getting in the way of the progress I need to make. I know all of this, and I still struggle to do what needs to be done.
(more…)Permission to Feel
My Dad has always been someone I look up to and aspire to be like. In our home he was always constant. The world may be crashing around us and he would be calm, optimistic, and always emotionally stable and strong.
Naturally, I want to be like him, and I modelled my behavior after him. When I feel an emotion I do not like, I have trained my brain to look for the good. I consider this one of my superpowers and it has served me well in my life.
(more…)Calories and Counsel
A few years ago, after our third child was born, I realized I needed to lose some weight and decided to track my calories and exercise more often. Tracking calories is the most effective way to understand what you are putting into your body and how much of an impact it has on your weight. With diligence and persistence, I lost a little bit over twenty-five pounds and tracked my calories for over 1,000 days in a row. It felt like a new lifestyle I had created, and I was proud of it.
(more…)Being in Integrity
One of my favorite podcasts is Ryan Hawk’s The Learning Leader Show. He interviews interesting people and leaders across all backgrounds. In every episode he asks the following question.
(more…)Pattern of Personal Disruption
Last week my wife and I welcomed our 4th child into our family. Words cannot describe the special feeling I get adding a child to our family. My heart has been made bigger and it will take me a sometime to re-learn how to sleep.
What I’ve learned from this experience is actually a reminder of a pattern I’ve seen in my life multiple times. It is the most visible after the birth of each of our children.
(more…)The Law of Disintegration
All things organic, given enough time, will break down and disintegrate. I’m not familiar with a formal law stating this (I suppose the second law of thermodynamics comes close) but I consider this the law of disintegration.
(more…)I am Status Driven
While running recently, I had a realization which began feelings of discomfort and I couldn’t shake them. For context, in a recent coaching call, I shared how I’ve observed individuals who are self-promoting, selfish and self-centered. I explained how I want to stay as far away as possible from what I perceived to be very status driven behavior.