
Pattern for Growth


If you have followed my posts for any amount of time you know I’m a visual learner and I like patterns. There is a pattern for growth that I’m working through that has felt durable and I’d love your thoughts and reactions.

The patterns looks like this:


Ignite the Fire With Those You Teach


A while back I took my son out camping in the mountains. At the time he was about 5 years old, and we were both excited to have some one on one time. We brought the fixings for s’mores and picked up some firewood on the way in so we could have a proper campfire and treat after dinner.

As a youth I grew up in the scouting program and earned the Eagle Scout award so camping and fire building is not a foreign task. The wood was large logs, but we did not have any kindling. My son and I explored the campsite and surrounding area for twigs, sticks, and anything that we could use to start our fire. 


Leadership Flywheel


Ever since reading Good to Great by Jim Collins I have been fascinated by the concept of the flywheel. Working hard on the right things consistently over time and then having your efforts compound for massive impact over time. I have touched on the idea here and here.

Leadership is a difficult topic to create a flywheel around because there is not a shared definition of leadership in the community. The definition I choose to use is:


Why Are You Here on Earth?


This week I had a conversation with a colleague that helped me uncover a blind spot I had. I have been studying and thinking about what I have been calling “purpose driven leadership”.

The concept is this. When you do the hard internal and personal work of why you are here on the planet you have discovered your purpose. This is much larger than just one area of your life. It encompasses all that you must contribute to the world.


Pattern of Personal Disruption


Last week my wife and I welcomed our 4th child into our family. Words cannot describe the special feeling I get adding a child to our family. My heart has been made bigger and it will take me a sometime to re-learn how to sleep.

What I’ve learned from this experience is actually a reminder of a pattern I’ve seen in my life multiple times. It is the most visible after the birth of each of our children.


About Me

Josh Nicholls

I teach and invite people to act. Proud husband, father and amateur pizzaiolo

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